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Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. So, since 2011, I have spent the entire month of October every year reviewing a horror movie each day. I've changed formats many times over the years, and in the past few years, I've even been joined by my wife Solee, as well as the occasional guest. We've got text, drawings, video reviews, audio reviews... we got it all! Wanna check out our reviews? Look below, or use the menu to the left to dig deeper!
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  Belittling Horror Excessively: Crow's Nest 07:19 PM -- Thu October 16, 2014  


As always, a group of teens have decided to take a trip to a remote cabin. Nothing kids today like better than being in the woods with no amenities. Apparently! I'm so out of touch with today's youth, I like internet. So anyway, these kids are taking a trip, and they get sidetracked because they heard beer was cheap in a town called Crow's Nest. Sadly, that's the whole point of the title of the movie. Don't you think there should be something more to it? I'm expecting ghost pirates at least!

So the kids get run off the road and hunted down by rednecks in an RV. The end.

This is found footage once again. I think I could've filled all 31 days of October with found footage movies and still had plenty to spare in Netflix's collection. I do like found footage as a general concept though, so that's not so bad. But this one was filled with really annoying people, and a lot of time wasted showing off how annoying they are (including of course the classic character of somebody who refuses to ever stop filming things and everybody else being annoyed with them for it). It takes 22 minutes for something interesting to happen in this movie, I checked. Whoever found this footage really should've edited it before releasing it as a horror movie (and how perverse are they to be profiting off of this tragedy??).

One fun moment is when they are driving at one point, I think shortly before they get rammed by the RV, you can clearly see a member of the film crew is laying down in the back of their SUV, reflected in the back window. I liked that part, it made me feel like I had defeated this movie at its own game.

As a film though, there's nothing here really to watch. It's everything you expect - they head out to the woods, and get hunted down and killed. No story, no twist, no message, not even any hint of an explanation for what's happening. It just happens. Also no interesting villain or anything - I was hoping for a ghost and I got a couple of cannibal rednecks driving by in an RV. What it does have going for it is a Blair Witch Crying Selfie scene. Classic. It also has bad digital blood effects, and about 50% of the movie is people yelling "Shutup!" at each other. I agree with them.

So in the end, we have a body count of 6 plus 1 deer, and a pathetic 1 out of 5 Cheap Beers. Bleh.

Since there are no interesting things to draw in this movie, I drew an RV!
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