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Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. So, since 2011, I have spent the entire month of October every year reviewing a horror movie each day. I've changed formats many times over the years, and in the past few years, I've even been joined by my wife Solee, as well as the occasional guest. We've got text, drawings, video reviews, audio reviews... we got it all! Wanna check out our reviews? Look below, or use the menu to the left to dig deeper!
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  Belittling Horror Excessively: Below Zero 01:46 PM -- Wed October 8, 2014  


In this movie, John Connor is a writer who takes the perfectly reasonable step of traveling across the country to lock himself in a meat locker in order to write a story about a guy who gets locked in a meat locker. What ensues is almost like an anthology movie – it cuts between the story he's writing and the reality he's in (and intermingled confusion between the two) as it goes on. That's a fun premise, and I was really looking forward to it. Can you guess yet whether it pays off on that premise?

Of course not, it's dumb like they always are! From the description I saw beforehand, I really expected some trippy delirium, blurring of reality and fiction, and to be truly confused about what was really going on. The truth was not that. It had a few sort of twists to the action, like a fun scene where, in the story, the characters suddenly step forward and start discussing what should happen (as in 'reality', the writer and the woman who ends up locked in there with him are discussing it and things are changing as they go). But for the most part, it was just the one straightforward cannibal meatlocker story, and the 'true' story of him just trapped in a locker writing (which also goes bad, but in a very silly and contrived way).

The twist at the end is good in the sense that it changes everything that came before a bit, but bad in the sense that it was pretty obvious, and doesn't feel right even so. It's a little too "easy" of a twist, and yet at the same time doesn't seem plausible.

So in the end, we have a body count of 2 plus 1 cow, and a rating of 2 out of 5 Electric Tubs.

Just like the last movie, I gave a shot at drawing a murderous monster for this movie. Kind of the same result – it turned out pretty good if you don't mind the fact that it looks nothing like the guy I was trying to draw. Two tricky things about ink drawing sans pencil: you can't lay out shapes in advance, so you have to guess at proportions and things and imagine where future parts of the picture will go (that craggy shape in his elbow is actually his previous elbow - I was way off!), and you can't make very light subtle lines. Everything is very sharp and linear.

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