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  Robot Wants Awards! 05:31 PM -- Fri June 15, 2018  

Here is something new and exciting in Robot-land! So, when you win a level, the game dishes out an assortment of what it calls "awards" to you. Not all awards are good - you can see there's one grey one on here (the one with the green arrow), and three red ones. Green awards are good. You gain Moneys for each one of those you get. Red awards are bad, and they cost you money (the red Moneys you see flying in this shot are money being sucked away from your counter). Grey awards, they're fine, no money gained or lost.

So some of this stuff is pretty obvious, like "finish the level very fast" is a really good award, while "finish it really slow" is a bad award. But there are also sneaky weird ones for doing special types of runs that are abnormal. I have plenty more I intend to add as well. In the end, there will also be an awards screen where you can see how many times you've earned each award, and of course the real point of that screen is to wonder at the ones you haven't gotten... how do you earn them!? Mystery, my friend, mystery.

If you're wondering how an award differs from an achievement, that's pretty simple. We will have both in this game, and an achievement is something you earn once (like "You beat Robot Wants Kitty!"), while awards can be earned every time you play a level. Of course there might be an achievement for getting a certain award for the first time, but such is life. There will be achievements for some weird things (you've seen them in the original Flash games - like the one for getting through the undersea tunnel in Robot Wants Fishy without getting hit). You know, the traditional kind of tricky achievements.
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