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  Looking Back At 2012 07:22 PM -- Mon December 31, 2012  

Well, this is the last day! I had to throw out my Page-A-Day calendar, and I'm very sad about it. It was all logic puzzles.

Here's all the stuff Hamumu released in 2012: 11 games ported to the Blackberry Playbook and OS10 (a couple are actually ridiculous new games, including one that has yet to be approved - check them all out here); Nikki Neigh and Tricky Trey finally came out publicly; Scouts Vs. Aliens, Pedro Kicks Back, and Dredd Speed all came out on the Boys' Life website; Made 4 "Pirate Kart" games live on film; released SpaceManiac's updated versions of Dr. Lunatic Supreme With Cheese, and Sleepless Hollow (both still beta today though!); and Indiebusked the very unique Sneaky Brats multiplayer game.

I also worked on a bunch of stuff that isn't yet released - Witch Game, NPC Quest 2, Growtopia, and Dr. Exploro are the ones I can remember offhand.

So, not a lot of chance of income from all that. I got paid for the Boys' Life games, and I made a couple bucks for Nikki Neigh and Sneaky Brats, and I will in theory receive a little money from the blackberry ports (I've already made $11 from sales of those! WHOO). But overall, this was not a money-making year. Which is generally a problem. NPC Quest 2 was intended as my "if this doesn't make me a living, I have to quit" project, but it turned out that I needed money I didn't have in the first place to create it. Now I think Growtopia has taken its place, so let's hope that works out really really well.

This year has been smack-dab in the "blah" column. I like the games I made (the three Boy Scout ones... other than that I only made tiny jam games!), and I'm really excited about Growtopia, but the indie world has become increasingly locked off, and I'm on the wrong side of the door. What it's really become is increasingly unindie - nobody except a select few is making it in an actual independent fashion, it's all about Kickstarter, Steam/Greenlight, iTunes, and a dozen other little app stores here and there. Selling on your own website, which used to be my entire purpose in life, has basically ended. Things are actually spiraling even further in dark directions for indies (hello Windows 8), and at a faster pace all the time. I saw Terraria on the Steam sale for $3.39 and thought "That's perfect research for Growtopia... but that's a bit too pricey for me." We are really far down that rabbit hole people! I don't know where it comes out, and I don't really think anybody does. This industry is changing faster than ever before, and I hope it all comes out well, but right now, it's a tough nut to crack. And any cracking you do is only valid for a couple months before the rules change again. It scares me!

But I guess that's more future talk than past. And that's what I'm gonna blog about tomorrow, when a wild new year appears!
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  Growtopia Teaser Trailer 09:59 PM -- Thu December 20, 2012  

The Growtopia teaser is here! We also finally have a fully functional (well, good enough) website at growtopiagame.com. The game is still in beta and is set to be officially released on January 11th on Android, iOS, and webOS. But you can play it right now on Android in a very fun beta format. The link is on the website. This game is... really unique! It should appeal to the Dr. Lunatic crowd, because it's just a whole lot of random stuff and you can build it however you want. We've got a ton more crazy ideas to throw in there, so keep an eye on it as it continues to update and expand.
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  It's the 17th somewhere on earth... 06:36 PM -- Sun December 16, 2012  

Which means Advent Of Indies has opened day 17 on its calendar. Why don't you take a peek and see what lurks inside!
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  Lotsa Game Making 07:34 PM -- Wed December 12, 2012  

Boy, I'm gonna be doing a "End of the year" post sometime soon, and talk all about where Hamumu is and where it's (hopefully?) going. But for now, let me just quickly dash out some info on quick fun things going on right about now:

This Friday begins another Blackberry Port-A-Thon. I kinda ran out of things to port after the last one, but I'm thinking since a couple of the games I ported (which were accepted!) were Pirate Kart games I made in 2 hours, I can "port" games I haven't made yet! It'll be another fun round of cranking out mini games. I don't actually know how that will go, but isn't life always an adventure?

What's that you say? There's something more important you should be spending your time on this weekend? Why it's Ludum Dare 25, also starting this Friday! Join in and make a game based on [THEME]! Why, [THEME] is the most interesting topic of all. I like every game about [THEME]. You could also vote on the themes, but make sure you vote for [THEME], it's got to win!!

And not at all this Friday, 2013 kicks off with a bang (and continues to bang and/or kick at a steady pace) thanks to One Game A Month, a really really self-explanatory indie game development commitment. I've signed up. I haven't really considered if it's something I'm going to try to do, I just didn't want to miss out on the early adopter XP. XP is always good to have.

On a final note: Growtopia now includes a complete Santa outfit, and the Sack O' Joy is the first clothing item in the game to possess special powers.
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  Growtopia is now in beta! 05:16 PM -- Mon December 3, 2012  

Got an Android device of any sort? Come check out Growtopia! Click here to get it!
It's along the lines of Minecraft - you have a world full of other players, and you chop it up to make new stuff of your own (with no real goals, just build and socialize and enjoy). However, instead of crafting things, everything grows on trees! You create new stuff by splicing together seeds of other stuff, plant it, and see what grows. It's very strange, and totally ridiculous, and it has a /dance command, so give it a try. We could use the feedback.

Eventually it will be available on iOS, other devices, and probably PC/Mac/Linux. But for the beta, we're doing this Android thing (because it's easy to update on Android, unlike iOS!).
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