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  Behind The Dumb - Episode 4 At Last! 09:48 PM -- Sat April 11, 2009  

It's here! Finally! A more normal episode ensues next week.

Show Notes (Watch first!):

- Not much to say! It was a long period of not being able to do any work due to an endless stream of other things in the way, ranging from visitors to trips to taxes to illness to utter system failure. So what you get is some insight into the life of an indie! A little insight, anyway.

- Not much of a cliffhanger, I guess, since the episode actually got released... but you can find out how it all works out next week, at least!

- Please be aware that one little bit of work did occur in these weeks, if you missed it... I began to explore Flash programming by making The Hamumu Word Search. Mostly just copied out of a book, but I learned a lot!
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