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  La Paz: The Great 05:42 PM -- Wed April 13, 2005  

The Great
Don't read this if you're the type who doesn't want to look at peoples' vacation slides (i.e. normal) - it's not anything interesting
I'm just sharing it because this was my first time ever outside the U.S.! It was all news to me.

It was all great! What a wonderful trip. It felt good to spend hours every day walking, the sun was nice, the area was beautiful, I didn't worry about my business, the food was great, the snacks and desserts were even better, the beach was the nicest I've ever been to (well, Kauai wasn't terrible either...), the people were very nice and forgiving of our difficulties, the hotel was really nice, the people we got to visit with were great, the feeling of getting smarter every day (learning the language!) was very pleasant, it was good to experience something outside my normal life, and lastly and mostly, my traveling partner was wonderful to have around. End of story, back to normal, shortish, possibly interesting, journal updates from here on.

What are your best vacation experiences?
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